Sitterly Road Corridor Intersections & ITS Improvements
Town of Halfmoon and Clifton Park, New York
MJ led all traffic engineering and design services to develop improvements to decrease volume delays during peak traffic hours along Sitterly Road. The goal of the project was to mitigate vehicle backups at the notably busy intersection by utilizing two interconnected traffic signals on Sitterly Road at Crossing Boulevard and Woodin Road. During peak hour traffic movements, the unsynchronized timing of all phases, combined with the lack of turn movement lanes, created excessive volume delays. MJ was responsible for the reconstruction of Sitterly Road, including milling, road reconstruction, additional turn lanes, curbing, drainage structures, asphalt gutters, concrete sidewalks, detectable warning units, traffic signals, pedestrian signals, guiderail and signage. Along with engineering, MJ provided all survey and full-time construction inspection services.