Saratoga County Sewer District No. 1
Saratoga County, New York
MJ worked with the Saratoga County Sewer District (SCSD) to design critical upgrades to three sanitary sewer pump stations in the Towns of Malta, Clifton Park, and Halfmoon. The pump stations were originally constructed using a Smith and Loveless pump system with separate dry well and wet well structures. Due to pump station age, confined space access requirements and difficulty in servicing and maintaining the equipment, the pump stations were converted to submersible style stations.
MJ provided preliminary and final design, administrative and construction phase services for upgrades to each pump station. Detailed design included removal of the existing dry pit pump vaults, retrofit of new submersible pumps within the existing wetwells, new pump controls and variable frequency drives, new precast valve and meter vaults, new rail mounted removable grinders within the existing wetwells, and new above grade pump station bypass connections. Additional improvements included three new outdoor emergency generators, integration of pump station controls with Mission SCADA system, HVAC improvements within odor control buildings, and site work including access drives, fencing, and landscaping. A flow monitoring study was performed at each pump station to support capacity upgrades. The project included lead paint and asbestos testing and abatement design. MJ obtained all required permits, review and inspections from the Department of State for this project.