Redevelopment of Cheyenne Street Streetscape
Syracuse, New York
MJ led the redevelopment of Cheyenne Street at the restaurant row section of the NYS Fairgrounds. The former Cheyenne Street was paved from building to building with asphalt, lacking much needed power, water, and sanitary hookups for the restaurant vendors, was without shade or landscaping, and provided no seating.
MJ's new streetscape includes eight designated vendor spaces situated along the center of the street, each connected with utility hookups that reduce the noise and air pollution caused by each vendor’s generator. The vendor spaces are separated by landscape islands that screen and beautify the lamppost bases and various utility components within. The landscape islands have benches built into them. A seating plaza is located at the center of restaurant row. The plaza includes stone benches that are organized to allow fluid pedestrian circulation, increase social interaction, and follows ADA guidelines. Trees planted in the plaza provide much needed shade and create a vertical focal point that draws fairgoers to it. The entire geometry of the redeveloped streetscape works with the Fairground’s maintenance regimen for snow clearing and street sweeping.