Purchase College, Campus Site Upgrades
Purchase, New York
This phased project involved the renovation of high traffic areas on the campus, in order to provide compliant ADA accessible routes and parking spaces to prominent campus facilities. As prime, MJ designed ADA upgrades for accessible routes from several parking areas to the Performing Arts Center (PAC), Neuberger Museum of Arts, University Police Station, Gymnasium, Humanities Building, Music Building, The Commons Apartments, and the Natural Sciences Building. New LED lighting was designed, which complied with “dark sky” standards. The existing architectural pavers and cobblestone curbing was replaced with concrete to be more tolerant to winter weather. A significant portion of the existing materials were reused throughout the campus for landscaping.
The design included complete renovation and upgrade of the west campus Parking Lot W-1 and ADA parking upgrades to Parking Lot W-2 that serve the PAC. The total project area was 8.5 acres and included the reconstruction of over 800 parking spaces. The parking lot improvements included full depth pavement rehabilitation, drainage upgrades, parking lot realignment, landscaping, and lighting upgrades. Along with improved safety, the redesigned pathways and parking lots elevated aesthetics by providing a more inviting entrance to the PAC.