Northport VAMC, Building 6 & 7 Aerial Imagery
Northport, New York
MJ completed drone imagery services to assess the rooftops of Buildings 6 and 7 situated at the Northport VA Medical Center. These aerial images serve a dual purpose: to pinpoint and evaluate any compromised sections of the roofs, and to serve as a foundational resource for future rehabilitation design efforts. The drone services were carried out by two MJ team members, licensed under the FAA Part 107 UAV drone pilot regulations. The team meticulously captured high-resolution 360-degree images of each building's rooftop. The imagery included overall views, as well as close-ups of specific areas of interest. MJ provided the client with orthoimagery of the project area, detailed digital photographs, and a KMZ file that correlates precise points with individual photos taken, enhancing the overall utility and navigability of the data.