Highland Residential Center
Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation
Highland, New York
Under a term agreement with the NYS Office of General Services, MJ prepared a program report to evaluate whether the existing onsite wastewater treatment plant could be upgraded and expanded or if a new facility was necessary. MJ then provided design, bidding and construction inspection for the associated upgrades. The improvements addressed wet weather flows, aging infrastructure and compliance with planned SPDES permit modifications for total chlorine residual and phosphorous. MJ also designed a new prefabricated building to serve as an onsite laboratory and office. The upgrades included:
New preliminary treatment system (in-channel rotary drum screen).
Retrofit of the existing 60,000-gallon aeration tank to provide aerated influent flow storage/equalization.
New submersible type influent pump station with both level demand (influent flow storage offline) and timer demand (influent flow storage online) controls.
New secondary treatment system consisting of sequencing batch reactors for BOD, TSS and ammonia removal.
New poly-aluminum chloride (PAC) chemical feed system for phosphorous removal.
New open-channel horizontal ultraviolet (UV) effluent disinfection system consisting of two banks in series (one duty, one standby).
Packaged fiberglass metering manhole for effluent flow monitoring.
New alarm dialer system.
Preparation of a new SPDES permit application.