Highbridge & East Campbell Road Rehabilitation
Schenectady County, New York
MJ provided design and construction inspection for this LDSA pavement rehabilitation project in the Town of Rotterdam.
The design and construction included hot-in-place recycling of the existing hot mix asphalt surface, including travel lanes and shoulder, along with placing a 6.3 mm polymer modified HMA surface treatment top surface. The asphalt was placed to match the existing concrete gutter elevations and catch basin elevations. All work was milled adjacent to the roadway shoulder to provide a smooth transition before the final top course was placed. Pavement markings were also installed and signage was upgraded. It also included height adjustments for manhole covers, valve boxes and catch basin grates. Asphalt driveway aprons were also repaired.
MJ's design included sidewalk reconstrcution and new sidewalks along Highbridge Road and East Campbell Road. Two pedestrian signals at the I-890 ramps, 20 curb ramps, and five mid-block crossings were also added or upgraded. The design repaired the loop detectors for the two traffic lights on Highbridge Road.
During construction, MJ performed full-time inspection services. This included completing daily inspection reports to document all progress, coordinating field work with stakeholders, continuously updating as-build documents to accurately represent field installation conditions, reviewing all estimates for accuracy, and witnessing all material testing.