Harriman State Campus, New Water Pump Station & Water Main
Albany, New York
MJ led the design and construction administration services for a new domestic water pump station and transmission main on the Harriman State Campus. Based on a utility master plan completed by MJ, existing infrastructure did not have capacity to meet current fire flows. Our firm completed design for a new, 1,200 SF water pump station, including six (6) booster pumps with variable frequency drives, an emergency generator, and a new electrical service. 3,800 LF of DIP and HDPE transmission main was installed from a connection with the City of Albany’s water system to the new booster pump station. The water main installation was completed by a combination of direct bury (DIP) and horizontal directional drilling (HDPE) to minimize disturbance of campus access roads and existing utility tunnels in six crossing areas.
Under a prime term contract, MJ has worked with the NYS Office of General Services on more than 60 projects on the Harriman State Campus, totaling over $50 million in infrastructure upgrades. A key component has involved the complexities of phasing and completing projects in an active and occupied office campus over multiple construction seasons.