Fiddlers Road Bridge Replacement
Dutchess County, NY
MJ provided survey, design, and construction inspection services for the replacement of the Fiddlers Road Bridge over Wappinger Creek. The bridge was replaced along the same alignment. The existing bridge was a 38-foot, single-span steel structure with an open grate deck, supported on cast-in-place abutments, constructed in 1970.
MJ’s design replaced the existing bridge with a precast three-sided frame set upon spread footers keyed into rock. The frame was sized to provide the necessary hydraulic opening and the wing walls were positioned to eliminate any need for FEE takings and keep the structure within the limited highway boundary area. The design utilized details to reduce maintenance costs for the County.
Close coordination with DEC, USACE, and Fish and Wildlife was necessary due to the possible presence of the endangered Blanding Turtle. MJ provided a DEC-qualified Blanding’s Turtle environmental monitor to be present during construction phase services. Proper construction details were utilized to reduce the possible harm to the endangered species.