Dutchess County Water & Wastewater Authority
Water Main Improvements
Dutchess County, New York
MJ has completed several projects for the Dutchess County Water & Wastewater Authority (DCWWA) under a prime term agreement and several stand-alone assignments. Some of these projects have included:
MJ provided survey, engineering, and construction inspection services for water main replacement along Broadway and Woods Road in the Village of Tivoli. The existing water main plagued the village with numerous water main breaks and lacked capacity to provide adequate fire flows. To improve the water distribution system, MJ provided the design services to replace 5,700 LF of existing cast iron piping with DIP water main, along with hydrants, valves, water services, fittings, and associated appurtenances. MJ also led an initiative to conduct a lead service inventory and utilized the results to replace existing residential lead services in the distribution system. The project was funded through the NYS EFC Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program.
MJ led the survey, engineering, and construction inspection services for the construction of a water main interconnection between the Pinebrook Estates and the Hyde Park regional water system. The project included the installation of 5,000 LF of DIP water main, including hydrants, valves, sample station, meter vault, and associated appurtenances. In addition to detailed design, MJ prepared a hydraulic model for the interconnection to verify the proposed water main size for current and future demands, and for coordination with regulatory agencies. The project was funded through the NYS EFC DWSRF program.