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SUNY Plattsburgh

Comprehensive Plan Update

Town of East Greenbush, New York

MJ led the planning and engineering services to update the town’s Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Law, and Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS). These documents continue to guide development decisions and serve the town well, although the town has experienced extensive change, especially in the form of new commercial and residential growth over the past decade. Given these changes and the opportunities they present, MJ assisted with a plan update that validates and adjusts the vision for the town’s future. Throughout this process, MJ identified future challenges and opportunities they may face, and addressed high priority projects involving transportation, corridor redevelopment, commercial and high-tech development, housing and land use. MJ also assisted in developing strategies, policies, and recommendations to address these challenges and opportunities.

As the prime consultant, MJ was responsible for project management, leading meetings, conducting research, community outreach/public engagement, analysis of existing conditions and trends, reviewing the existing comprehensive plan, and facilitating the completion of a newly drafted plan. Public engagement was a large and vital component of this project. MJ utilized a variety of engagement activities, including public open houses, interactive workshops, speed round discussions (topic based), an online survey, a project webpage, a monthly e-newsletter, social media outreach, student engagement activities (grades 5-12), and an interactive department head meeting.

View final adopted plan here.

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