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SUNY Plattsburgh

Complete Streets Policy & Design Manual

City of Albany, New York

MJ was responsible for the development of a Complete Streets Policy and Design Manual for the City of Albany. Working closely with the Capital District Transportation Committee (CDTC) and the City of Albany, MJ developed the manual which acts as a guide for all future construction, reconstruction and resurfacing projects city-wide. Developing streets that accommodate multiple modes and users, connect districts and stimulate economic opportunity was an important component of the city’s complete streets initiative.

This project was guided by a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) with representatives from various city departments, advocacy groups, as well as transit and regional agencies. MJ facilitated extensive public engagement to gather community input.

Land use and street typologies were developed to categorize areas and provide concise guidelines based on existing characteristics, neighborhood identity, land use, and opportunities for improvement. Guidelines related to trending considerations, streets, sidewalks, streetscapes, and intersections were developed for each of the typologies. The guidelines were described in text and illustrated in sample cross-sections. The creation of a Complete Streets Review Checklist assisted planners, engineers, and others to incorporate complete street elements into future projects.

View the full manual here.





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21 Corporate Drive, Clifton Park, NY 12065

MJ Engineering and Land Surveying, PC

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